Student Responsibilities

Students wishing to enter the MSEN graduate program must first accept the responsibilities of becoming part of this student and faculty team. This mirrors the life one will face after graduation, when all privileges and benefits are firmly tied to different types of responsibilities that one must accept in order to gain the privileges.

In the case of the MSEN program, our students must first accept the types of responsibilities that are common to all graduate programs here at the University of Arkansas. These include such responsibilities as

  • committing as much time to studies as are necessary to learn the academic materials presented to you,
  • exceeding the minimum moral and ethical behaviors defined by the University,
  • maintaining the minimum requirements on cumulative grade point average (CGPA),
  • giving your employer (whether working as teaching assistant, graduate assistant, work study, or outside the University) a full measure of work for every hour you are paid, and
  • treating all others you contact with the respect and professionalism that you desire from others toward yourself.

In addition, the MSEN program requires our students to accept additional responsibilities in return for the extra resources and training this program provides them. These MSEN specific responsibilities include

  • enthusiastically participating in all non-academic training events scheduled by the MSEN graduate program,
  • actively learning about your MSEN colleagues not only as classmates but also as people,
  • embracing the concept that none of us are successful in our academic endeavors unless all of our colleagues also reach their full academic potential,
  • providing tutoring and other support to your colleagues as needed,
  • trusting your colleagues enough to ask for help if you are facing trouble in an academic arena,
  • providing the MSEN management with constructive criticism toward improving the program, and
  • adding your energy to define and implement needed program changes.

The MSEN program does not exist just to provide you with a series of courses to increase your knowledge. The MSEN program exists to help you mature into a highly skilled professional, one who will have not only an extensive knowledge set upon graduation but also the organizational skills needed to effectively utilize this knowledge set early in your career.